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A collection of 10.000 unique NFTs built on the Elrond Blockchain and the first collection from the ElrondNFTProjects Team

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About the Project

Oni Mask is a Collection of 10.000 unique NFTs built on the Elrond Blockchain and is the first Collection from the ElrondNFTProjects Team. Each Oni Mask is unique and programmatically generated from over 50 possible traits. All NFTs are awesome but some have rarer attributes than others. Make sure you read our Roadmap for Presale information and future development.

Everything can be accomplished if we work together so join us in building the best NFT Collections on one of the best Blockchains ever, the Elrond Blockchain. With this collection we try to bring some Japanese traditional vibes for you to enjoy!


1. What is an NFT?

NFT stands for non-fungible token. It's generally built using the same kind of programming as cryptocurrency. Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are cryptographic assets on a blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from each other.

2. Where can I buy or sell an NFT?

NFTs can be bought or sold from different markets, with different cryptocurrencies, which are built on different blockchains. Our NFTs will be available on the Elrond Blockchain market. The NFTs will be available for mint on Trust Market.

3. How many Oni Masks are waiting for their masters?

A total of 10.000 unique Oni Masks, each one beautiful in its own way, with its own rare attributes and design.

4. What are Oni Masks?

Oni Masks represent the face mask of a supernatural ogre or troll that you may find in Japanese folklore. In modern times, the Onis may also act as a symbol of protection from evil spirits. They are popular characters in Japanese art, literature and theater, and appear as stock vilains in the well-known fairytales of Momotarō (Peach Boy), Issun-bōshi, and Kobutori Jīsan

5. Why should you own one or more Oni Masks NFTs?

You should own an Oni Mask NFT because you can take part in many giveaways and rewards, have an important decision in our future projects and changes, receive next generation free NFTs from future collections.


Q4 2021

Q4 2021

  • The idea was born
Early Q1 2022

Early Q1 2022

  • Development of our unique collection of NFTs (10.000 NFTs)
  • Building community channels and groups (Twitter, Discord, Telegram)
  • Building the official website
  • Creating the teaser for our collection of NFTs
  • Presenting our collection to NFT Calendar
  • Collection verification on Trust Market, DeadRare, and more
  • Integrating our NFT-collection with the Elrond Index
Date to Be Announced

Date to Be Announced

  • Presale I: deploying 1000 NFTs
  • After completion first giveaway to the holders
  • Presale II: deploying 2000 NFTs
  • After completion second giveaway to the holders
Date to Be Announced

Date to Be Announced

  • Final Sale (7000 NFTs)
  • After completion final giveaway (Oni Mask Handmade after the NFT Model, new NFTs from future Projects, NFT Frames)
  • Building DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) where holders will be able to vote for the future of the Project (new NFT collection, rewards, partnerships and collaborations, charitable donations, Metaverse integration)
Date to Be Announced

Date to Be Announced

Future development

Stay tuned!

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